Review of Engineering Design Drawings

We undertake thorough review of your engineering drawings and help you to improve the drawings with regard to:

  • Functional and assembly requirements of your products
  • Meeting thegeneral dimensioning and tolerancing specifications properly as per the ASME/ISO/IS standards
  • Identification of the key characteristics of the sub-assemblies and the parts
  • Selection and correct specifications of the geometrical tolerances and datum systems in the part drawings

Our suggestionswill enhance the quality of your engineering service and enable you to meet the international level demands.

Tolerance Stack-up Analysis

We thoroughlyanalyse the part tolerances in your engineering drawings and assembly level stack-ups by:

  • Analysis of the part tolerances affecting the assembly and functional requirements and arriving at proper values
  • Gap analysis for each sub assembly generating the loop equations considering both the size and geometrical tolerances
  • Minimization of the manufacturing cost by optimization of the part tolerances

We provide you the final tolerance charts in the form of reports and elucidate full details of the analysis to your design team.

 Statistical Analysis of Data

We take up statistical data analysis projects for the corporates and the academic organizations. We can analyse the actual data provided by the companies in manufacturing, servicing and research fields to give the most comprehensive statistical conclusions and help them in finding solutions to their practical problems. PhD scholars, clinical medical research professionals, etc. can make use of our expertise for thedetailed analysis of their research data using tools like ANOVA, multi regression analysis, structured equation modeling, etc.

Implementation of Six Sigma / Lean Manufacturing / TQM


Productivity & Process Improvement


We take up assignments to study your entire product lines for improving the processes, tooling & fixtures and the shop layout. We can give you full support to adopt Six Sigma methodology, Lean Manufacturing and Total Quality Management concepts.





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